Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Aug 25 20:29:36 2019


main aggmap code

from aggmap.utils.logtools import print_info, print_warn, print_error
from aggmap.utils.matrixopt import Scatter2Grid, Scatter2Array, smartpadding 
from aggmap.utils import vismap, summary, calculator
from aggmap.utils.gen_nwk import mp2newick

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, MDS, Isomap, LocallyLinearEmbedding, SpectralEmbedding
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, load, dump
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, cdist, pdist
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import fcluster, linkage, dendrogram
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns
from umap import UMAP
from tqdm import tqdm
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]class Base: def __init__(self): pass def _save(self, filename): return dump(self, filename) def _load(self, filename): return load(filename)
[docs] def MinMaxScaleClip(self, x, xmin, xmax): scaled = (x - xmin) / ((xmax - xmin) + 1e-8) return scaled
[docs] def StandardScaler(self, x, xmean, xstd): return (x-xmean) / (xstd + 1e-8)
[docs]class Random_2DEmbedding: def __init__(self, random_state=123, n_components=2): self.random_state=random_state self.n_components = n_components
[docs] def fit(self, X): M, N = X.shape np.random.seed(self.random_state) rho = np.sqrt(np.random.uniform(0, 1, N)) phi = np.random.uniform(0, 4*np.pi, N) x = rho * np.cos(phi) y = rho * np.sin(phi) rd = pd.DataFrame([x,y]).T.sample(frac=1, random_state=123).reset_index(drop=True) self.embedding_ = rd.values return self
def _get_df_scatter(mp): xy = mp.embedded.embedding_ colormaps = mp.colormaps df = pd.DataFrame(xy, columns = ['x', 'y']) bitsinfo = mp.bitsinfo.set_index('IDs') df = df.join(bitsinfo.loc[mp.flist].reset_index()) df['colors'] = df['Subtypes'].map(colormaps) return df def _get_df_grid(mp): p,q = mp._S.fmap_shape position = np.zeros(mp._S.fmap_shape, dtype='O').reshape(p*q,) position[mp._S.col_asses] = mp.flist position = position.reshape(p, q) if mp.fmap_shape != None: m, n = mp.fmap_shape if (m > p) | (n > q): position = smartpadding(position, (m,n), constant_values=0) M, N = position.shape x = [] y = [] for i in range(M): for j in range(N): x.append(j) #, position[j,i] y.append(i) v = position.reshape(M*N,) df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(x,y, v)), columns = ['x', 'y', 'v']) bitsinfo = mp.bitsinfo subtypedict = bitsinfo.set_index('IDs')['Subtypes'].to_dict() subtypedict.update({0:'NaN'}) df['Subtypes'] = df['colors'] = df['Subtypes'].map(mp.colormaps) feature_list = df.v feature_names = [] for i, j in feature_list.items(): if j == 0: j = 'NaN-' + str(i) feature_names.append(j) df.v = feature_names return df
[docs]class AggMap(Base): """ The feature restructuring class AggMap Parameters ---------- dfx: pandas DataFrame Input data frame. metric: string, default: 'correlation' measurement of feature distance, support {'cosine', 'correlation', 'euclidean', 'jaccard', 'hamming', 'dice'} info_distance: numpy array, defalt: None a vector-form distance vector of the feature points, shape should be: (n*(n-1)/2), where n is the number of the features. It can be useful when you have you own vector-form distance to pass by_scipy: bool, defalt: False. calculate the distance by using the scipy pdist fuction. It can bu useful when dfx.shape[1] > 20000, i.e., the number of features is very large Using pdist will increase the speed to calculate the distance. n_cpus: int, default: 16 number of cpu cores to use to calculate the distance. """ def __init__(self, dfx, metric = 'correlation', by_scipy = False, n_cpus = 16, info_distance = None, ): assert type(dfx) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame, 'input dfx must be pandas DataFrame!' super().__init__() self.metric = metric self.by_scipy = by_scipy self.isfit = False self.alist = dfx.columns.tolist() self.ftype = 'feature points' self.cluster_flag = False m,n = dfx.shape info_distance_length = int(n*(n-1)/2) assert len(dfx.columns.unique()) == n, 'the column names of dataframe must be unique !' ## calculating distance if np.array(info_distance).any(): assert len(info_distance) == info_distance_length, 'shape of info_distance must be (%s,)' % info_distance_length print_info('Skipping the distance calculation, using the customized vector-form distance...') self.info_distance = np.array(info_distance) self.metric = 'precomputed' else: print_info('Calculating distance ...') if self.by_scipy: D = pdist(dfx.T, metric=metric) D = np.nan_to_num(D,copy=False) self.info_distance = D.clip(0, np.inf) else: D = calculator.pairwise_distance(dfx.values, n_cpus=n_cpus, method=metric) D = np.nan_to_num(D,copy=False) D_ = squareform(D) self.info_distance = D_.clip(0, np.inf) ## statistic info S = summary.Summary(n_jobs = 10) res= [] for i in tqdm(range(dfx.shape[1]), ascii=True): r = S._statistics_one(dfx.values, i) res.append(r) dfs = pd.DataFrame(res, index = self.alist) self.info_scale = dfs def _fit_embedding(self, dist_matrix, emb_method = 'umap', n_components = 2, random_state = 32, verbose = 2, n_neighbors = 15, min_dist = 0.1, a = 1.576943460405378, b = 0.8950608781227859, **kwargs): """ parameters ----------------- dist_matrix: distance matrix to fit emb_method: {'tsne', 'umap', 'mds'}, algorithm to embedd high-D to 2D kwargs: the extra parameters for the conresponding algorithm """ if 'metric' in kwargs.keys(): metric = kwargs.get('metric') kwargs.pop('metric') else: metric = 'precomputed' if emb_method == 'tsne': embedded = TSNE(n_components=n_components, random_state=random_state, metric = metric, verbose = verbose, **kwargs) embedded = elif emb_method == 'umap': embedded = UMAP(n_components = n_components, n_neighbors = n_neighbors, min_dist = min_dist, a = a, b = b, verbose = verbose, random_state=random_state, metric = metric, **kwargs) embedded = elif emb_method =='mds': if 'metric' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop('metric') if 'dissimilarity' in kwargs.keys(): dissimilarity = kwargs.get('dissimilarity') kwargs.pop('dissimilarity') else: dissimilarity = 'precomputed' embedded = MDS(metric = True, n_components= n_components, verbose = verbose, dissimilarity = dissimilarity, random_state = random_state, **kwargs) embedded = elif emb_method == 'random': embedded = Random_2DEmbedding(random_state=random_state, n_components=n_components) embedded = elif emb_method == 'isomap': embedded = Isomap(n_neighbors = n_neighbors, n_components=n_components, metric = metric, **kwargs) embedded = elif emb_method == 'lle': embedded = LocallyLinearEmbedding(random_state=random_state, n_neighbors = n_neighbors, n_components=n_components, **kwargs) embedded = elif emb_method == 'se': embedded = SpectralEmbedding(random_state=random_state, n_neighbors = n_neighbors, n_components=n_components, affinity = metric, **kwargs) affinity_matrix = np.exp(-dist_matrix**2) #make more uniformly embedding embedded = return embedded
[docs] def fit(self, feature_group_list = [], cluster_channels = 5, var_thr = -1, split_channels = True, fmap_shape = None, emb_method = 'umap', min_dist = 0.1, n_neighbors = 15, a = 1.576943460405378, b = 0.8950608781227859, verbose = 2, random_state = 32, group_color_dict = {}, lnk_method = 'complete', **kwargs): """ parameters ----------------- feature_group_list: list of the group name for each feature point cluster_channels: int, number of the channels(clusters) if feature_group_list is empty var_thr: float, defalt is -1, meaning that feature will be included only if the conresponding variance larger than this value. Since some of the feature has pretty low variances, we can remove them by increasing this threshold split_channels: bool, if True, outputs will split into various channels using the types of feature fmap_shape: None or tuple, size of molmap, if None, the size of feature map will be calculated automatically emb_method: {'umap', 'tsne', 'mds', 'isomap', 'random', 'lle', 'se'}, algorithm to embedd high-D to 2D min_dist: float, UMAP parameters for the effective minimum distance between embedded points. n_neighbors: init, UMAP parameters of controlling the embedding. Larger values result in more global views of the manifold, while smaller values result in more local data being preserved. a: float, UMAP parameters of controlling the embedding. If None, it will automatically be determined by ``min_dist`` and ``spread``. b: float, UMAP parameters of controlling the embedding. If None, it will automatically be determined by ``min_dist`` and ``spread``. group_color_dict: dict of the group colors, keys are the group names, values are the colors lnk_method: {'complete', 'average', 'single', 'weighted', 'centroid'}, linkage method kwargs: the extra parameters for the conresponding embedding method """ if 'n_components' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs.pop('n_components') ## embedding into a 2d assert emb_method in ['tsne', 'umap', 'mds', 'isomap', 'random', 'lle', 'se'], 'No Such Method Supported: %s' % emb_method self.feature_group_list = feature_group_list self.var_thr = var_thr self.split_channels = split_channels self.fmap_shape = fmap_shape self.emb_method = emb_method self.lnk_method = lnk_method self.random_state = random_state if fmap_shape != None: assert len(fmap_shape) == 2, "fmap_shape must be a tuple with two elements!" # flist and distance flist = self.info_scale[self.info_scale['var'] > self.var_thr].index.tolist() dfd = pd.DataFrame(squareform(self.info_distance), index=self.alist, columns=self.alist) dist_matrix = dfd.loc[flist][flist] self.flist = flist self.x_mean = self.info_scale['mean'].values self.x_std = self.info_scale['std'].values self.x_min = self.info_scale['min'].values self.x_max = self.info_scale['max'].values #bitsinfo dfb = pd.DataFrame(self.flist, columns = ['IDs']) if feature_group_list != []: self.cluster_flag = False assert len(feature_group_list) == len(self.alist), "the length of the input group list is not equal to length of the feature list" self.cluster_channels = len(set(feature_group_list)) self.feature_group_list_ = feature_group_list dfb['Subtypes'] = dfb['IDs'].map(pd.Series(feature_group_list, index = self.alist)) if set(feature_group_list).issubset(set(group_color_dict.keys())): self.group_color_dict = group_color_dict dfb['colors'] = dfb['Subtypes'].map(group_color_dict) else: unique_types = dfb['Subtypes'].unique() color_list = sns.color_palette("hsv", len(unique_types)).as_hex() group_color_dict = dict(zip(unique_types, color_list)) dfb['colors'] = dfb['Subtypes'].map(group_color_dict) self.group_color_dict = group_color_dict else: self.cluster_channels = cluster_channels print_info('applying hierarchical clustering to obtain group information ...') self.cluster_flag = True Z = linkage(squareform(dist_matrix.values), lnk_method) labels = fcluster(Z, cluster_channels, criterion='maxclust') feature_group_list_ = ['cluster_%s' % str(i).zfill(2) for i in labels] dfb['Subtypes'] = feature_group_list_ dfb = dfb.sort_values('Subtypes') unique_types = dfb['Subtypes'].unique() if not set(unique_types).issubset(set(group_color_dict.keys())): color_list = sns.color_palette("hsv", len(unique_types)).as_hex() group_color_dict = dict(zip(unique_types, color_list)) dfb['colors'] = dfb['Subtypes'].map(group_color_dict) self.group_color_dict = group_color_dict self.Z = Z self.feature_group_list_ = feature_group_list_ self.bitsinfo = dfb colormaps = dfb.set_index('Subtypes')['colors'].to_dict() colormaps.update({'NaN': '#000000'}) self.colormaps = colormaps self._S = Scatter2Grid() ## 2d embedding first embedded = self._fit_embedding(dist_matrix, emb_method = emb_method, n_neighbors = n_neighbors, random_state = random_state, min_dist = min_dist, a = a, b = b, verbose = verbose, n_components = 2, **kwargs) self.embedded = embedded df = pd.DataFrame(embedded.embedding_, index = self.flist,columns=['x', 'y']) typemap = self.bitsinfo.set_index('IDs') df = df.join(typemap) df['Channels'] = df['Subtypes'] self.df_embedding = df ## linear assignment algorithm print_info('Applying grid assignment of feature points, this may take several minutes(1~30 min)'), self.split_channels, channel_col = 'Channels') print_info('Finished') ## fit flag self.isfit = True if self.fmap_shape == None: self.fmap_shape = self._S.fmap_shape else: m, n = self.fmap_shape p, q = self._S.fmap_shape assert (m >= p) & (n >=q), "fmap_shape's width must >= %s, height >= %s " % (p, q) self.df_scatter = _get_df_scatter(self) self.df_grid = _get_df_grid(self) self.df_grid_reshape = _get_df_grid(self) self.feature_names_reshape = self.df_grid.v.tolist() return self
[docs] def refit_c(self, cluster_channels = 10, lnk_method = 'complete', group_color_dict = {}): """ re-fit the aggmap object to update the number of channels parameters -------------------- cluster_channels: int, number of the channels(clusters) group_color_dict: dict of the group colors, keys are the group names, values are the colors lnk_method: {'complete', 'average', 'single', 'weighted', 'centroid'}, linkage method """ if not self.isfit: print_error('please fit first!') return self.split_channels = True self.lnk_method = lnk_method self.cluster_channels = cluster_channels dfd = pd.DataFrame(squareform(self.info_distance), index=self.alist, columns=self.alist) dist_matrix = dfd.loc[self.flist][self.flist] dfb = pd.DataFrame(self.flist, columns = ['IDs']) print_info('applying hierarchical clustering to obtain group information ...') self.cluster_flag = True Z = linkage(squareform(dist_matrix.values), self.lnk_method) labels = fcluster(Z, self.cluster_channels, criterion='maxclust') feature_group_list_ = ['cluster_%s' % str(i).zfill(2) for i in labels] dfb['Subtypes'] = feature_group_list_ dfb = dfb.sort_values('Subtypes') unique_types = dfb['Subtypes'].unique() if not set(unique_types).issubset(set(group_color_dict.keys())): color_list = sns.color_palette("hsv", len(unique_types)).as_hex() group_color_dict = dict(zip(unique_types, color_list)) dfb['colors'] = dfb['Subtypes'].map(group_color_dict) self.group_color_dict = group_color_dict self.Z = Z self.feature_group_list_ = feature_group_list_ # update self.bitsinfo self.bitsinfo = dfb colormaps = dfb.set_index('Subtypes')['colors'].to_dict() colormaps.update({'NaN': '#000000'}) self.colormaps = colormaps # update self.df_embedding df = pd.DataFrame(self.embedded.embedding_, index = self.flist,columns=['x', 'y']) typemap = self.bitsinfo.set_index('IDs') df = df.join(typemap) df['Channels'] = df['Subtypes'] self.df_embedding = df ## linear assignment not performed, only refit the channel number print_info('skipping grid assignment of feature points, fitting to target channel number') self._S.refit_c(self.df_embedding) print_info('Finished') if self.fmap_shape == None: self.fmap_shape = self._S.fmap_shape else: m, n = self.fmap_shape p, q = self._S.fmap_shape assert (m >= p) & (n >=q), "fmap_shape's width must >= %s, height >= %s " % (p, q) self.df_scatter = _get_df_scatter(self) self.df_grid = _get_df_grid(self) self.df_grid_reshape = _get_df_grid(self) self.feature_names_reshape = self.df_grid.v.tolist() return self
[docs] def transform_mpX_to_df(self, X): ''' input 4D X, output 2D dataframe ''' n, w,h, c = X.shape X_2D = X.sum(axis=-1).reshape(n, w*h) return pd.DataFrame(X_2D, columns = self.feature_names_reshape)
[docs] def transform(self, arr_1d, scale = True, scale_method = 'minmax', fillnan = 0): """ parameters -------------------- arr_1d: 1d numpy array feature points scale: bool, if True, we will apply MinMax scaling by the precomputed values scale_method: {'minmax', 'standard'} fillnan: fill nan value, default: 0 """ if not self.isfit: print_error('please fit first!') return if scale: if scale_method == 'standard': arr_1d = self.StandardScaler(arr_1d, self.x_mean, self.x_std) else: arr_1d = self.MinMaxScaleClip(arr_1d, self.x_min, self.x_max) df = pd.DataFrame(arr_1d).T df.columns = self.alist df = df[self.flist] vector_1d = df.values[0] #shape = (N, ) fmap = self._S.transform(vector_1d) p, q, c = fmap.shape if self.fmap_shape != None: m, n = self.fmap_shape if (m > p) | (n > q): fps = [] for i in range(c): fp = smartpadding(fmap[:,:,i], self.fmap_shape) fps.append(fp) fmap = np.stack(fps, axis=-1) return np.nan_to_num(fmap, nan = fillnan)
[docs] def batch_transform(self, array_2d, scale = True, scale_method = 'minmax', n_jobs=4, fillnan = 0): """ parameters -------------------- array_2d: 2D numpy array feature points, M(samples) x N(feature ponits) scale: bool, if True, we will apply MinMax scaling by the precomputed values scale_method: {'minmax', 'standard'} n_jobs: number of parallel fillnan: fill nan value, default: 0 """ if not self.isfit: print_error('please fit first!') return assert type(array_2d) == np.ndarray, 'input must be numpy ndarray!' assert array_2d.ndim == 2, 'input must be 2-D numpy array!' P = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs) res = P(delayed(self.transform)(arr_1d, scale, scale_method, fillnan) for arr_1d in tqdm(array_2d, ascii=True)) X = np.stack(res) return X
[docs] def plot_scatter(self, htmlpath='./', htmlname=None, radius = 2, enabled_data_labels = False): """Scatter plot, radius: the size of the scatter, must be int""" H_scatter = vismap.plot_scatter(self, htmlpath=htmlpath, htmlname=htmlname, radius = radius, enabled_data_labels = enabled_data_labels) return H_scatter
[docs] def plot_grid(self, htmlpath='./', htmlname=None, enabled_data_labels = False): """Grid plot""" H_grid = vismap.plot_grid(self, htmlpath=htmlpath, htmlname=htmlname, enabled_data_labels = enabled_data_labels) return H_grid
[docs] def plot_tree(self, figsize=(16,8), add_leaf_labels = True, leaf_font_size = 18, leaf_rotation = 90): """Diagram tree plot""" fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if self.cluster_flag: Z = self.Z D_leaf_colors = self.bitsinfo['colors'].to_dict() link_cols = {} for i, i12 in enumerate(Z[:,:2].astype(int)): c1, c2 = (link_cols[x] if x > len(Z) else D_leaf_colors[x] for x in i12) link_cols[i+1+len(Z)] = c1 if add_leaf_labels: labels = self.alist else: labels = None P =dendrogram(Z, labels = labels, leaf_rotation = leaf_rotation, leaf_font_size = leaf_font_size, link_color_func=lambda x: link_cols[x]) return fig
[docs] def to_nwk_tree(self, treefile = 'mytree', leaf_names = None): ''' convert mp object to newick tree and the data file to submit to itol sever ''' return mp2newick(self, treefile = treefile, leaf_names=leaf_names)
[docs] def copy(self): """copy self""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """load self""" return self._load(filename)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """save self""" return self._save(filename)