Source code for aggmap.utils.gen_nwk

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Aug 27 14:06:17 2021

@author: Shen Wanxiang

import csv
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage, to_tree
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

itol_header = '''TREE_COLORS

#First 3 fields define the node id, type and color
#Possible types are:
#'range': defines a colored range (colored background for labels/clade)
#'clade': defines color/style for all branches in a clade
#'branch': defines color/style for a single branch
#'label': defines font color/style for the leaf label
#'label_background': defines the leaf label background color

#The following additional fields are required:
#for 'range', field 4 defines the colored range label (used in the legend)

#The following additional fields are optional:
#for 'label', field 4 defines the font style ('normal',''bold', 'italic' or 'bold-italic') and field 5 defines the numeric scale factor for the font size (eg. with value 2, font size for that label will be 2x the standard size)
#for 'clade' and 'branch', field 4 defines the branch style ('normal' or 'dashed') and field 5 defines the branch width scale factor (eg. with value 0.5, branch width for that clade will be 0.5 the standard width)


def _getNewick(node, newick, parentdist, leaf_names):
    if node.is_leaf():
        return "%s:%.2f%s" % (leaf_names[], parentdist - node.dist, newick)
        if len(newick) > 0:
            newick = "):%.2f%s" % (parentdist - node.dist, newick)
            newick = ");"
        newick = _getNewick(node.get_left(), newick, node.dist, leaf_names)
        newick = _getNewick(node.get_right(), ",%s" % (newick), node.dist, leaf_names)
        newick = "(%s" % (newick)
        return newick
[docs]def mp2newick(mp, treefile = 'phenotype_tree', leaf_names = None): df = mp.df_embedding[['colors','Subtypes']] if leaf_names == None: leaf_names = mp.flist #use final list only else: assert len(leaf_names) == len(df), 'leaf names should be a list with a length of %s' % len(df) df.index = leaf_names linkage_matrix = mp.Z tree = to_tree(linkage_matrix, rd=False) newick = _getNewick(tree, "", tree.dist, leaf_names = leaf_names) # write newick file for itol with open(treefile + '.nwk', 'w') as f: f.write(newick) # write dataset file for itol df['TYPE'] = 'clade' df['STYLE'] = 'normal' df = df[['TYPE', 'colors', 'STYLE']] with open(treefile + '.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(itol_header) df.to_csv(treefile + '.txt', mode = 'a', header=None, sep='\t') return df
[docs]def tree(): return defaultdict(tree)
[docs]def tree_add(t, path): for node in path: t = t[node]
[docs]def pprint_tree(tree_instance): def dicts(t): return {k: dicts(t[k]) for k in t} pprint(dicts(tree_instance))
[docs]def dfs_to_tree(dfs): t = tree() for i in range(len(dfs)): row = dfs.iloc[i].dropna().tolist() tree_add(t, row) return t
[docs]def tree_to_newick(root): items = [] for k in root.keys(): s = '' if len(root[k].keys()) > 0: sub_tree = tree_to_newick(root[k]) if sub_tree != '': s += '(' + sub_tree + ')' s += k items.append(s) return ','.join(items)
[docs]def dfs_to_weightless_newick(dfs): t = dfs_to_tree(dfs) newick_tree = tree_to_newick(t) return newick_tree
if __name__ == '__main__': species_list = pd.read_csv('./species.list.csv', header=None,index_col=0)[1].to_list() dfs = pd.Series(species_list).apply(lambda x: dict([i.split('__') for i in x.split('|')])).apply(pd.Series) level_dict = {'k':'kingdom', 'p':'phylum', 'c':'class' ,'o':'order' ,'f':'family' ,'g': 'genus','s': 'species'} dfs = dfs.rename(columns=level_dict) nwk_string = dfs_to_weightless_newick(dfs) with open("1.nwk", "w") as f: f.write(nwk_string)